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Implementation and after-implementation care

We are for you any time.

We offer efficient implementation of Infor Industry CloudSuites/ Infor M3, as well as comprehensive care after the system deployment. Our consultants have a longstanding experience and deep know-how in the areas of finance management, supply chain management, manufacturing management, an also technical and programming experience.

We implement Infor solutions at manufacturing and distribution companies, using innovative methods and IT tools tailored for specific industries.

After-implementation care

When the Infor system implementation is completed, we offer – on customer’s demand – professional support for a month or two in order to help the company in its first steps with the enterprise management software.

Operational help

After the system go-live we serve operational help in the 7/24 mode so that potential incidents don’t impede the customer’s business.

Services within a ready system

Solution audit – checking the level of the Infor system deployment.
Database audit – checking data coherence and accuracy.
Backup – saving data in an extra copy and deleting it from the current data.
% of satisfied Customers

Not only ERP

We offer other services for your company.

Outsourcing and hosting

We will facilitate your everyday work if you decide to pass some of your solutions to us within hosting and outsourcing.

Consulting and education

We like – and have experience to – provide consulting as well as trainings on the methods and tools to improve business.

Supporting e-business

We provide EDI support – electronic data interchange, e-payments, e-commerce, e-procurement.

Do you have any questions on our services?


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